
4533 Phoenix’s seasons

(2023) Charged Up

4533 Phoenix’s Fawkes

Overview This season required us to pick up cones and cubes and put them onto poles and boxes to score points. After that we had to balance on a balance beam, with the other robots on our alliance. This was our first year in the Peachtree District. We went to the Anderson and Hartsville district events and we were first pick of the Second Alliance and Captain of the Fourth Alliance respectivly. We also reached the District Championship and ended up being the Second Pick of the Second Alliance.

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(2024) Crescendo

4533 Phoenix’s Bothoven

Overview This season required us to pick up orange donuts (called notes). We then had to climb on a chain and the human player had to score a special note (high note) on a pole in the middle of the field. This was our second year in the Peachtree District. We went to the Anderson and North Chaleston district events. We were alliance captain of alliance 4 during Anderson and we were 1st pick of alliance 5 in Charleston. We also reached the District Championship and ended up being the alliance captain of alliance 7.

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