
4533 Phoenix’s seasons

(2013) Ultimate Ascent

4533 Phoenix’s Fris-bot

Overview This season required us to shoot frisbees along with climb up a pyramid. During this season we went to the Palmetto Regional. Media

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(2014) Aerial Assist

4533 Phoenix’s Yoga-bot

Overview This season, we had to lift yoga balls and bring them across the field. This year, we went to the Palmetto Regional, as well as the South Florida Regional, where we were on the second alliance. Media

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(2015) Recycle Rush

4533 Phoenix’s BAE

Overview This season had us picking up crates, recycling bins, and pool noodles. We had gone to the Palmetto Regional and the Raleigh Regional, which is where we won the General Motors Industrial Desgin Award as well as the Saftey Award. Links Robot Code Visison Media

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(2016) Stronghold

4533 Phoenix’s The Chief

Overview This season required us to pick up gray nerf balls and avoid obstacles. We went to the Palmetto Regional and the Knoxville Regional during this season. Links Robot Code Visison Media

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(2017) Steamworks

4533 Phoenix’s Carrie Fisher

Overview This season had us get green whiffle balls and gears to “power up” an airship. During this season we went to the Palmetto Regional, where we won the imagery award, and the Knoxville Regional, where we captained the seventh alliance. Links Robot Code Media

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(2018) Power Up!

4533 Phoenix’s Miss Vicki

Overview This season we had to move milk crates to tip a scale, and to score points. We went to the Rocket City Regional, Ranked 6th, played on the 5th Alliance, and won the Motorola Quality Award. After that, we went to the South Florida Regional, and captained the 3rd ranked alliance. Links Robot Code Media

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(2019) Deep Space

4533 Phoenix’s Atlas

Overview This season had us precisly move clear plastic discs and large orange balls. This year, we had only gone to the Rocket City Regional. Links Robot Code Media

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(2020) Infinite Recharge

4533 Phoenix’s Sandcrawler

Overview We were required to pick up small yellow nerf balls this year for the competition. We went to the Palmetto Regional, Ranking 7th and having our Mentor Mrs. Cheesman become a Woodie Flowers Finalist. However, COVID-19 then struck, shutting down the competition for the rest of the season. Links Robot Code V2 Robot Code Dashboard Vision Media

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(2021) Game Changer

4533 Phoenix’s Qi’ra

Overview This season was the Covid Season where everything was online. Links Dashboard Media

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(2022) Rapid React

4533 Phoenix’s GlaDOS

Overview We were required to pick up very large tennis balls called cargo, and launch them into a hub where they were counted for points. We also had to climb a series of increasingly higher rungs. We went to Electric City and Smoky Mountain Regionals in season, and SCRIW off-season. We were finalists at Electric City and SCRIW. Links Robot Code Media

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(2023) Charged Up

4533 Phoenix’s Fawkes

Overview This season required us to pick up cones and cubes and put them onto poles and boxes to score points. After that we had to balance on a balance beam, with the other robots on our alliance. This was our first year in the Peachtree District. We went to the Anderson and Hartsville district events and we were first pick of the Second Alliance and Captain of the Fourth Alliance respectivly.

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(2024) Crescendo

4533 Phoenix’s Bothoven

Overview This season required us to pick up orange donuts (called notes). We then had to climb on a chain and the human player had to score a special note (high note) on a pole in the middle of the field. This was our second year in the Peachtree District. We went to the Anderson and North Chaleston district events. We were alliance captain of alliance 4 during Anderson and we were 1st pick of alliance 5 in Charleston.

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